The Dynamic Life Show
The Dynamic Life Show
Not With Your Head
This show talks about how I was inspired by a comedian turned transformational speaker and this one statement he made about Not With Your Head. It really had me wanting to share my thoughts on what he said and what we are experiencing now in this country with this coronavirus.
I also highlight a family of siblings who wanted to help the seniors in their community and how they banded together to make that happen and how it has also inspired me to do something in my neighborhood and I hope it will help you to do a little something in yours.
And of course I share the I AM Word of the Week, and I couldn't make this stuff up because the word that was chosen for me to share with you is just so mindblowing. You have to hear what word chose us this week! So powerful!
I also mention something that I use to help me with some of the worries, anxiety and stress that is bound to show up during these times. Now I am an affiliate of theirs with another product below, but not for the tapping solution app. Just wanted to share it because it helps me so much that I am working on being certified for it.
download the tapping solution app in your app store on on google play or go to www.thetappingsolutionapp.com
Thank you again everyone for downloading our podcast, also you can be heard on iHeart Radio.YEAH.. Please keep sharing the show!!
I AM YOU ARE card deck
Other Tapping Solution resources
Free eBook: 103 Disempowering Beliefs
Good Morning America
Kyle Cease